does anyone have a template me or Lex might like? give us a link to it!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
What do ya say Lexy?
PreTeenz needs a makeover, I'm getting really bored with this template, so what are you in the mood for Lex? Pink? black? blue? purple? what color? or I'll just wait until you come
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hi! it's Aly! (or aly-gator as Lex calls)
I just remembered I need to update on what I'm doin in life, well, Mrs, Weatherson asked to babysit yesterday night, was it me or did Pearl seem REALLY devious and Evil that night? hm, probably because it's close to Halloween lol
Also I can't wait until Lexy's play! she's gonna sing!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
three more post's and we reach 100!!! leave it to us to stay with our blog without getting bored for this long!! woooo!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Stupid Aly
FYI Aly! I've been busy wrestling with my new babysitting job, my high school play, homework, and a math teacher who's out to get me!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Almost there!
Lexy is behind! we're climbing the mountain of 100 posts! we've almost reached the top! I have Lexy on my back!
but whats this? she fell of down to 44 posts! she has to climb a lot now! noooo!!!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
oh yeah uh huh! I have more posts then Lex! but only by a couple...see?
Me: 50
Lexy: 44
it took me a while to count cause I couldn't remember which posts were mine lol
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Hey Hey!
Aly here! I think the 100th post will be me since Lex hasn't been updating every often....there I go updating her again!! grrrr!!
I'm going to count how many posts I did and then Lex, and we will see who the winner is!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Funny pictures
I know that animal pictures are like sooooo yesterday, but I still like em! common! who wouldn't think this was funny?!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Lex got mad at me for updating for her, oh wait a minute...I'm updating about her right now!! aaa!!
lol anyways so I'm going to let her update herself.
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Lex went to the dentist today and came back when me and Hannah (my friend) where eatin lunch at school, lol she had a filling and her cheek was puffy, she looked SOOO funny!! this kind of what she looked like lol!!
Get Funny Pictures at
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Me and Lexy
we've been friends ever since kindergarten, I remember at the starting of the day Lexy dumped chocolate milk on my head and I couldn't get changed until the end of the day...I really smelled....
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Lexy? did u stop posting?
I'm still postin more than Lex! common Lexy! we're almost to 100 posts don't get bored and quit already!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
my plain worked! I pretended to quit the blog and then the diary2girls got a lil sad (I think.....) and now there's no war! not even friendly war! I said sorry (cause the anger got the better of me....sometimes I can get REALLY mad heehee and sometimes I can get REALLY happy! like now!)
I'm really REALLY happy right now!
ooo I just got happier, now we can get to 100 posts!! yay!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
By the way
me and Lex are quiting because we can never be original, we have this GREAT template ITS AMAZING! but we can't use it because you'll copy us AGAIN, I really hate being this mean, just today it got on my nerves that I can't use it....well anyways bye forever.....
awwww!! I looked at the template again...."sniffle" WAAA!!! WAAAA!! WAAAA!!! can't you guys not copy us on this one site we fond the template on? "sniffle" WA!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 3 comments
Shutting down our blog...
your right diary2girls we should grow we will give up to the lil kids so they get what they want. cause we're nice (unlike U)
so from now on we will not be posting.....and to think we were almost to a 100 great that would have been.....
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
how everything started:
friendly war:
1. they got a template (like us)
2. they got games (like us)
3. they got a music player (like us)
one last friendly war:
4. they took our ONLY originality....the site....
5. they posted on their blog saying it's war right back!!! like it was some kind of game!!!
they made a VERY BAD mistake!!!
and those people are.......
very very bad mistake......Lex STILL doesn't know
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 7 comments
Battle of the Blogs!
I will never forget how mad I was (and a little bit still am) when I went to the Diary 2 girls blog and saw all the stuff we have on our blog and stuff we were going to put on but they already did, Lexy still doesn't know....enjoy every moment Lexy....enjoy every moment....
but now its the battle of the Blogs!!! (ok so I'm in high school and shouldn't be so childish but come on! everyone has to be a kid sometimes)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 4 comments
Hi Lex!
So Lex, are you still getting your ears pierced? "crossing fingers and closing eyes" lol Bet you'll look like this:dosen't matter cause you ALWAYS look like this lol, ya know with your big mouth and heeheee hahahaah!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
one thing
I just wanted to tell everyone here something:
we fond a lot of cool stuff from fanc-.......a site we were thrilled to be original and have this site to our selfs (don't mean to be mean or anythin)
so we were wondering, anything from this site don't put on your blog? (again nothing personal don't mean to be mean)
um so can I guess keep the stuff you already put on your site...just don't use anymore?
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Fun new game!
I added a new Game! it's pack man, you've probaly heard of it cause it's really popular, and fun! so try it!
oh and we would REALLYYYYY appreciate if no one would copy us on this game, so you'd be the kindness person EVER if you didn't copy don't copy us, AGAIN please no one be a copy caty boogly person
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 3 comments
The Truth
OMG!! I was sad that I couldn't get my ears pierced like Lex...really really sad....
but now I wouldn't EVER do it in a million years! because it does hurt on that part of your ear, why go through such pain just to fit in or to look cool or to look pretty?! well Lex, can't stop you but just wanted to say.....
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Aly's cookin in da house
Head for cover cause Aly's cooking! I just called her and she's baking a cake...meaning run for your life before she sets something on fire. We have this homework in ECS (exploring career science) that we have to bake for our families...our ungrateful sisters...*glares at mine* and all!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
The sassy sisters
This is a pix of Nickie ,Manda (Amanda),and Sierra
(these are ones that just look like them couldn't find a good pic of them)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
OMG!!!! I'm so nervous!!!!
Lexy here! I'm going to get my upper right ear pierced!!!! OMG am I nervous! I was talking to Sandra and she just got hers done on Tuesday,and she SCREAMED it hurt so bad. Boy is THAT comforting...
(At least I won't look like THAT freak)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 1 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hi Hi!
hey guess what? Lex is gettin her ears pierced! on her upper ear, she's going with her friend Lynsey, I would too but.....I'm busy....doing something.....else.....that day.........well really I just don't want to, I have my ears pierced on the "normal" "regular" place and I'm fine with it!
you guessed it my mom wouldn't let me! sometimes my mom can be very "interesting"
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 1 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Why?? Why??
when will Aly and Aj perform in our state??!! I can't take it anymore! they like go everywhere but here! and if they ever came here we missed them!!
hey! did you know I was named after Aly? (Aly and Aj)
I'm just kidding I WISH though! my mom named me after a dead dog....
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 2 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Tips for people
here are some helpful hints on how to live your life (the right way!)
if your ugly stay away from kittens they will scream and faint (so stay away from kittens Lex! heehee!) kitten: "help! there's an ugly hairy beast out to get me!! "sniff" and it has bad lip gloss that makes me puke!!!"
don't let this happen to YOU:
that is all
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
you guessed it,even more!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Poor Oliva...
I'm trying to think of a plan so she won' know...kill's just so hard to believe it but I know its true, and I just can't think of a plan....I'm really sort of depressed, I mean it's Oliva! Lexy's second best friend! I gotta think of something before it's too late!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
darn!! the playlist that we used to have I can't get to because the site is down where we got it, or something is wrong with the site! aarrgg!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
WOOOO! I FOND OUT HOW TO PUT A TEMPLATE ON ME AND LEX'S BLOG! WOO HOO!! YEAH!! it so weird how all of a sudden I know sooo much! I mean a couple days ago I knew nothing about makin a good blog not like me and Lex have the greatest blog in the world or anything I'm just satisfied, =) I still need to get some stuff back on our blog, like the music and the games though
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
what??? not oliva!! are you telling the truth??? emergency!! get out the cookies with smiley faces on them!! get the presents!! get the DANCING CLOWNS!! GET ANYTHING HAPPY!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Keep holding on
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 1 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
OMG! Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Free candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is Lexy here! For Halloween,I'm going as a kitten ^.~ purr
Aly should go as a dust bunny. Cause she's a dust brain, =p how you like that Aly! *nah!!!*
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
That's it you lumpy toad!
Vanilla is a WAYYYYY better flavor than *gags* Mango! And mine is a much better quality. Smackers. duhhhh!!!!!!!!!! And also,YOU can think that shins hurt more,but it all depends on how big the butt you kick is.
big butt=more ouch
big,huge,monstrous butt=Aly
It all works out
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
I got Lip Gloss too!!!!
I got Lip gloss too!! it's mango! tastes WAY better than yours! it costs 1 dollar more too!! so HA!! oh and it kicks shin's!! (shin's hurt more than butt's!!)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
Who's got da lip gloss?
You guessed it! Lexy-Lex here! Guess this!
Who's the gorgeous girl with brown hair who just got kick-butt vanilla bean lip smacker's pop-out lip gloss? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the taste,the shine,the smell,the WORKS!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Santa's gone bye bye
You know the game Aly put on the blog? Well,let's just say that old Cris Kringle (Santa,old saint nick,what-ever you call 'im) wont be delivering presents for a LONG time....He kinda...well...*cough* fellofacliff. Ah,sorry,had a tickle in my throat...let's change the subject shall we?
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
yay! I figured out how to put games on the site!! wow I fond out how to do all the stuff I wanted to do! the Game is at the bottom of the blog, it's not the greatest Game but I just wanted to put some game on the blog, heehee it's funny when he gets presents he loses control and his hat almost falls of! heehee!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments