Thursday, January 17, 2008


Omg........Truffles just hates me........she really does!

my Friend from California sent me this really pretty aqua rug she's been working on.....can't believe she didn't keep it lol

so I was just admiring the rug on my bed when I had to eat dinner..........again I forgot to feed Truffles and she trotted up to my room, saw the pretty Aqua rug so unstained and with it's beauty and......she peed on it!!! then jumped up on my laptop and......lets say she "did her business" right on my mouse!!

then trotted downstairs and barked at me and urged me to go to my room to see her little "presents" she left!!

then my jaw dropped...but I didn't say anything, I picked her up, took her outside. and dropped her in the snow. my mom was like "?"

then I said "mom, she peed on my rug"

then we had to wash it. the end lol
