I know Lexy! I didn't put permanent paint in your hair! now that's going over board! wouldn't want a orange haired friend! oh but the it was orange and green! hahahahaha! I never said it was that kind of paint I just said it was paint! your a real dumb bear!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
haha Lexy you dumb bear!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
How you like them Apples Aly?
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Friday, September 28, 2007
ok then
since you won't post then I'll have to tell people whats up with you since you won't, today Lex is going to a dance at her school with her friend Lynsey, I'm not going because Lex will probably ignore me but they went to eat free cookies and chips and laugh at people who can't dance, waaa! I wanna do that stuff!! stupid Lexy!! my mom and dad are going out tonight (gross!) and so I have to spend extra time with Truffles if I don't she bites me harder than usual and it hurts! oh no...it's dark in my room and the hall has a light on...I see Truffles staring at me....mad.....I GOTTA GO!!!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Comin Lexy Lex!
now I'm posting more than you! and that's saying something! are you mad that I put paint in your hair? heehee bet you are!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
I slept over at Lex's house yesterday and heehee I still wanted a little revenge for when she brought nerdy mic nerd pants to my house, so when Lex fell asleep...I PAINTED HER HAIR!!! heeheehehehehehhehe!! hahahahahaahah! mwahahahahah!!! don't mess with ALY THE GREAT!!! mwahahaaahahaha!
heehee wonder what she'll say when we go to school heehee!
I'm happy now! =)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Random Entertainment
here's some Random Entertainment by Aly:
High-Ya! you are no match for white kitty yum yum supreme!
Ah! but your powers are weak with my turn-and-scratch-your-eyeballs-out-move!
Heyyyyyyy fishhhhyyyyy we won't hurttttt youuuuuuu
we.....um.....just want to play.......um....tea party!
(heehee and your the pastrie!)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Soccer Tips
yeah I've been writing a lot about soccer lately, but anyways this is Aly and if anyone has played Soccer before and has some tips PLEASE COMMENT!! me and Lexy have a game soon!!!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
(this is Aly) MAN! soccer can sure give you cramps and aching feet!
things soccer can do
2. aching feet
3. bleeding from a soccer ball hit.....maybe
4. serious ingury and you have to go to the hostpital FOR YOU TO FIND OUT THAT YOUR GONNA DIE!!!.....ahem sorry got carried away, don't want scare before away from soccer or anything......
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Soccer 101
since you probably know, me and Lexy started soccer! here are some tips if you want to take soccer (for your first time)
1. listen VERY well to the coach, he/she will tell you what you need to do
2. first time is always the hardest, so don't quit the first practice
3. ignore stupid head's like Lexy
1. must be a fast and or good runner
2. being tall helps a lot
3. remember to bring shin guards and soccer cleets (if the players are agresive BRING A MOUTH GUARD! IT WILL SAVE YOUR TEETH really! they will be saying thank you!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 3 comments
Yo Aly hereeeeeeeeaaaaaa
for like future people who come here, we were the second ones to find the Meez, I got the Meez from a girl (or boy) whos blog was something pooh bear, heehee
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Aly you are sooo dead!!! You're leaving me on Friday night all alone with...mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!! She's inviting some yoga friends over and it's going to all be like "find you're inner calm" and doing weird things like that!!!! When I get my hands on you Aly!!!! Oh by the way...there's no escaping me...I know where you live...mwhahahahahahahaaa!!!!!!
(I'm watching you while I eat my lolli-walli-coocoo kinz!)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Da Website
me and Lexy were just looking at cool stuff to put on our website and so we clicked on one......and it wouldn't let us go backwards!!! so Lexy said "it doesn't WANT you to go it wants to download a virus to your computerrrrrrr, it thinks its funnnn" and so then I just exited it out and then said "HA!" the people who were trying to download something were like "dang it Louise!"
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 4 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Bring it on Aly Sally!
You know what??? You think you're so cool...but Aly,you spelled the wrong "stories" you spelled it "storie's" which is totally WRONG!!! Just shows what a retard you are!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
IT'S ON!!!
YOU THINK YOUR SO GREAT WITH YOUR "NERD" STORY'S WELL NOW IT'S ON!!!!!!!! here's a lil message for you Lex....it's totally true!
how can you make a lil bunny cry with your uglyness?!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
more princess Aly
(locks nerd up)
lamp...Wants to have a friend over...so she wishes for a friend)
(suddenly...the nerd walks in!!!!!!)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Poor poor Aly-cally
(that's me running away from mom's "boogieing")
Yeah,I know,I've got LOTS of nicknames for Aly. Aly-gator,Aly-Cally,Jerk,Aly-Sally (the name she despises)
Anyways...Tomorrow's the last day of school for a week!!! Yippee!!! I'm going to a dance next Thursday *boogies across the room* And I don't mean 'Boogie' as in my mom who "boogies down with it" THAT should be illegal
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
for those who are wondering "who the apple pie is Jordin Sparks??!!!" here is a song from her new album "tattoo" I was searching EVERYWHERE for it and it was right on the first page of her site! boy am I STUPID!....anyways here it is:
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
(aly here) it's so cool how I fond SO much stuff for this blog! I've never had this luck before! I can't believe it! anyways so today was....bad, so the nerds name is Poleshea.....it's a name I never heard of! so I probably spelled it wrong so yeah and I told her it would be really cool to have more than one friend and she said "all I need is one, your so nice Aly I'm so happy we're best friends!" then um...well I couldn't take it anymore so I yelled "you stupid little googly eyed freak! I'm not your best friend! I don't even want to be your FRIEND!!! get away from me and don't ask me to pick your boogers again!!" I ONLY act this way to Lexy, but I just couldn't TAKE IT!! and Lexy got really mad at me cause she over heard...well pretty much the whole SCHOOL did this is what her face looked like:
(without the blanket)
so right when I was about to forgive her, she gets mad at me!!! will this ever end????
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
Wouldn't Aly wish...

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the different sides of Lex
(really look at this picture for a while and don't YOU feel like gagging?)
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments
the wonderful wonderful day has come!
*sings* I'm freeeeeeee!! *stops* no more gross tea! no more staying in bed! no more anything! I'm BETTER! I'm so happy, but yet so sad because I gotta face the googly *creature*, ya know what? I'm going to get her to make more friends so she leaves ME AND LEXY ALONE!!! (although I like it when Lexy gets frustrated over the nerd) I'm thinking of forgiving Lex.....just THINKING about it!! oh! I gotta feed Truffles oh oh oh! she's hurting me again! ow ow ow! she's digging her claws into my leg! GOTTA GO!
Posted by Pre Teen Drama Queen 0 comments