Thursday, September 20, 2007


(aly here) it's so cool how I fond SO much stuff for this blog! I've never had this luck before! I can't believe it! anyways so today was....bad, so the nerds name is's a name I never heard of! so I probably spelled it wrong so yeah and I told her it would be really cool to have more than one friend and she said "all I need is one, your so nice Aly I'm so happy we're best friends!" then um...well I couldn't take it anymore so I yelled "you stupid little googly eyed freak! I'm not your best friend! I don't even want to be your FRIEND!!! get away from me and don't ask me to pick your boogers again!!" I ONLY act this way to Lexy, but I just couldn't TAKE IT!! and Lexy got really mad at me cause she over heard...well pretty much the whole SCHOOL did this is what her face looked like:

(without the blanket)

so right when I was about to forgive her, she gets mad at me!!! will this ever end????