Tuesday, September 18, 2007

no way....

why??!! why do I deserve such torture!! why Lex why??? I didn't mean to tell the blogging world about the wet rat spanking thing!! but why???

ok so I think she used the school's computer and went to our blog and saw that I said I was sick and I think she got even madder because I said I was happy that she had to be with the nerd and I said.....*gulp*...I was so bored.....that.......I would....have the nerd....hang out with me at my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so that's what happened!!!!! my mom thinks she's my best friend but she's not!! I just stood up for her because people were picking on her!! right now she's um going to the bathroom.....you don't wanna know what she's doin in there....man she's WEIRD!! she came over after Lex said that I was sick and the nerd felt bad so she came over to see me!! I'm not that sick you sicko nerd!! no helping here!! she came out....gotta go.......waaaaa!