Sunday, September 16, 2007

A typical day in the life of Aly

ok so here's my list of things I do in that day:

4:00AM get up with bags under my eyes and go back to sleep
6:30 have Truffles wake me up with her morning breath and slobber (its REALLY nasty)
6:31 fall out of bed
6:58 be ready and come down for breakfast
7:00 eat breakfist and have Truffles purr and rub my leg (yes she's still a dog...a very *special* dog....)
7:10 have Truffles BITE me all of a sudden because she wants food NOW OR ELSE!
go to school blah blah blah!

2:15 get out of school and do a cart wheel! (well not really)
2:20 meet Lexy at our secret meeting spot to wait for our parents
2: 30 have Claire rush over and tell an embarrassing moment about Lexy and have Lexy twitch


Gabrielle said...

It's weird your both oppostes but ur BFF's ! i guess that's the saying *opposites attract* P.S. I like Big Girl's Don't Cry and I like Umbrella by rihanna!

Pre Teen Drama Queen said...

hi it's Aly and yeah I'm not really the "country" kind of girl even though it seems like that, since I read books and stuff and yeah I like Umbrella can get annoying though with the "ella ella ella a a a ella ella a a a"