Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bella! (dun dun dunnnnnn)

should we have a new layout Lex? just wonderin, I hate Bella too!! I remember coming over and she wouldn't stop following us saying "and I was like stop being all up in ma face and she's like Omg! and I was like yea todally! and she was like.." (and so on) and she tells on you and or us too many times! like that one time where you said "can me and Aly be alone for a second please?" and she started crying and ran downstairs and told on us......the old Memories of Bella.....makes me wanna hit my stuffed bear in the face!!!!..............................................not like I have one or anything........cuz I don't..........................maybe..................


Anonymous said...

u spelt totally wrong.....

Pre Teen Drama Queen said...

I meant to

Anonymous said...

ya right....