Monday, November 5, 2007

Lexy is puke

Lexy is puke she is the new definition of the word "puke" and "stinky" really does that girl ever take a shower?!


Anonymous said...

That is really mean to say ya know, no wonder people don't like your blog.....

Pre Teen Drama Queen said...

Lol it isn't mean, I say this to Lex all the time its our thang lol, but it's not constant hate, when we're not sayin means things we're being down right GOOFY and JUST PLAIN NOT NORMAL....but thats in private lol

Pre Teen Drama Queen said...

Your Hailey right? I'm gonna feel weird if your not...I just like guessing

Anonymous said...

This is not Hailey, I dont even know who Hailey is but still that IS mean even if you're goofin around!!