Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Nerd

it's been some time since I've talked about "the nerd" well after me and Lexy's fight was over, I wanted to go over to the nerd to say hi because she seemed really lonely, so there I was feeling sorry for her and as soon as I was about to speak this HUGE pack of nerds came over to her with their lunches (talk about the attack of the nerds!) I was just standing there then the nerd said "your sooo uncool Aly just leave already!" I turned bright red! a nerd, a stinky smelly googly eyed nerd, just "dissed" me! Lexy was laughing her head off in the background! really HER face was bright red from TEARS of laughter!


Anonymous said...

Hey you know just cuz they r nerdy doent make them google eyed!!!! THAT IS MEAN!!! This blog is VERY cruel and I dont think you should talk so bad about people, you are the weird ones! I MEAN COME ON!!! That is sooooo MEAN!! How can you talk so bad about people and not even feel a thing? COLD that is why

Pre Teen Drama Queen said...

Yes and I like being weird! and besides this is sort of me and Lexy's diary.

Anonymous said...

I dont mean your weird, I mean that it is cruel to say things like that and it could really hurt feelings

Anonymous said...

By the way, it cant be your diary because it is a blog, and anyone in the world can see it!! THAT MAKES IT NOT A DIARY!!!