Wednesday, December 5, 2007

That does it!!!

My Teacher is just plain mean! I was drawing a little doodle of a cat beating up Aly..and then she's looking over my shoulder and said,"Lexy, that is a disgrace! Detention!" And I was like, "WHAT?!? It's just my cat beating up Aly....What! My cat's really strong and hates Aly..." and then, I got two nights detention for "talking back" so I wrote a dirty mean note about the art teacher and I showed it to Valley who then took it and showed the teacher!!!!!!!

And guess what? <(^.^)>

I got a weeks detention. }=(


Yukino said...

OMG heck that sucks.

i have a mean art teacher too. she keeps sending kids to detention for the smallest things.

it's stupid.

i think she might send me to detention next! T_T

Anonymous said...

poor u!!!!